Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blog Post #11

First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class

After watching this video, as well as Skype Interview With Ms. Cassidy, I have to admit that I was truly fascinated. All semester long we have been opened up to the idea of integrating technology in schools, and I have slowly developed into a huge fan of it. However, actually being able to see elementary school students in action and the positive effects that interactive learning has created, my love for this type of learning has gone to a whole new level. Although I hope to one day teach English/language arts at a high school and eventually college level, I love how blogging in Ms. Cassidy's classroom has brought so much life to her students. Anyone can see how the encouragement of blog post comments and interacting with students and teachers worldwide has given birth to a deeper love of learning to each student. Sadly, these students are more keen on technology at seven years old than I am at age twenty-three! I want my students to one day experience this same type of excitement while in school. I also love that she introduced them to wonderful devices such as Wiki, and are better able to grow and obtain knowledge simply because their horizons have been expanded. Ms. Cassidy mentioned in her Skype interview that the parents of her children have been very supportive, something that she is very lucky to be able to say. Unfortunately, I plan to teach in Alabama, and lack of parental support of this type of technologically-based learning will possibly be one of my biggest obstacles to overcome. I do feel, however, that by exposing parents to the ability to track the progress of their children and see the results throughout the year will help win over their approval. Hopefully, it will make my relationship with them less stressful (maybe). I'm very glad to have had the privilege of seeing project-based learning in action, and I now have a more clear vision of how I wish to set up my own classroom one day. Like Ms. Cassidy said, technology is most likely here to stay. On that note, why not students find a love for the one aspect that could make or break their success?


  1. First, I love your picture! That particular quote is what wraps up that entire video - Little Kids, Big Potential! Technology IS here to stay, so we might as well embrace as Ms. Cassidy has.

  2. "I plan to teach in Alabama, and lack of parental support of this type of technologically-based learning will possibly be one of my biggest obstacles to overcome." Maybe not. The exact opposite is the case in Anthony Capp's class. The parents, the kids, the principal and the superintendent all love him!

    "On that note, why not students find a love for the one aspect that could make or break their success?" You need let in front of students.

    I am reading a book that suggests just that. Let them follow their passion to learn.
